Mr. José María Lasalle, Secretary of State for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda, recently visited the open research and innovation laboratory 5TONIC, hosted at the headquarters of IMDEA Networks Institute, a top research center on networks that places Madrid as a leading European region in the development of future network technologies.

30 Jan 2017
We reproduce here in full an article published by Antonio José Elizondo Armengol at, a blog focused on innovation which is sponsored by Telefonica.

27 Jan 2017
IMDEA Networks Director Arturo Azcorra, one of the top European experts on 5G networks, has successfully concluded a scientific mission to Taiwan focused on exploring opportunities for Europe and the East Asian island to jointly foster the development of 5G, the ultrafast mobile broadband technology that promises to become the most remarkable communications phenomenon of the decade.

23 Jan 2017
ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, launches today the first Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) interoperability Plugtests® event. This international event, which takes place from 23 January to 3 February 2017 in Leganes, Madrid (Spain), is hosted by 5TONIC Laboratory, with the technical support of Telefonica and IMDEA Networks Institute. This important event comes hot on the heels of the publication of the ETSI NFV Release 2 specifications and the announcement of ETSI Open Source MANO Release ONE in October 2016.

02 Jan 2017
Right before the school Christmas holidays, on December the 16th, we received a special visit at the IMDEA Networks premises. Sixty secondary school students averaging 16 years of age and their teachers came to see what a research institute on communication networks is like.

27 Dec 2016
Visible Light Communication, also known as VLC or “Li-Fi”, is one of the hottest trends in communications research. In simple terms, the concept refers to an illumination source (e.g. a LED) which in addition to illumination can send information using the same light signal. The Pervasive Wireless Networks Group of IMDEA Networks led by Dr. Domenico Giustiniano have been performing pioneer work on this topic over the last 3 years. The group has designed and built the open-source OpenVLC platform to promote collaborative international research on this area, receiving particular attention from the researchers and designers of 5G networks and beyond.

23 Dec 2016
Héctor Cordobés de la Calle and Luis Felipe Chiroque, two members of the IMDEA Networks research team, have received the 1st Prize at the first edition of the Accenture Digital Connected Hackathon 2016.

16 Dec 2016
One of the fundamental open challenges in computer science is effective data storage. The socio-economic value and scale of information increases day by day and researchers at the Madrid research institute IMDEA Networks have been working to identify ways to ensure not only that digitally stored data endures, but also that it is readily available, reliable and, above all, consistent.

05 Dec 2016
Interview with Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Research Assistant Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute (Madrid, Spain); Principal Investigator at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), (Berkeley, CA, USA).

23 Nov 2016
Interview with Roberto Battiti, Visiting Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute